您當前的位置: 首頁 > 南寧培訓網(wǎng) > 南寧英拓國際英語 > 南寧成人英語培訓 > 南寧英拓國際英語培訓
課程介紹Course Introduction
![]() 南寧市青秀區(qū)英拓英語培訓學校——致力于為公司、企業(yè)、職場人士、青少年等提供高品質(zhì)外語服務的培訓機構(gòu) 南寧市青秀區(qū)英拓英語培訓學校是廣西區(qū)內(nèi)唯一一所引進國際尖端多媒體語言學習軟件DynEd 的高端英語培訓中心。作為世界多媒體語言教學的先行者和領(lǐng)導者,美國戴耐德公司(DynEd International Inc.)與Easy Talk國際教研團隊長期的合作與實踐教研,總結(jié)推出“多維LTP”學習系統(tǒng),能充分學員實現(xiàn)英語學習目標,建立說英語的自信。科學的語言學 習系統(tǒng)能讓學員極盡可能的用英語進行交流,反復加強記憶,掌握純正實用的英語,而不僅僅是機械背誦與學習。目前,DynEd多媒體英語系列課程已被70多 個國家、700多萬用戶廣泛采用,并取得相當成效。 英拓英語目前在南寧設有兩大中心:金湖中心位于南寧市金浦路16號匯東國際;麗原中心位于南寧市民族大道12號麗原天際。優(yōu)良的學習環(huán)境和優(yōu)秀的教學品質(zhì)以及周到的售后服務,造就了英拓國際英語良好的口碑。 金湖中心—高端口語中心 金湖中心主要從事成人英語口語培訓,采用全球先進、高效的“LTP”英語教學法,讓每位學員隨時隨地學純正英語,學習方式靈活便捷,一對一教學模式,全英文教學環(huán)境,讓每位學員擺脫“啞巴英語”,自信地說英語!被公認為“南寧英語口語培訓品牌”! 麗原中心—國際英語VIP中心 英拓 麗原中心在傳承了英拓一貫從事成人實用英語培訓基礎(chǔ)上,主要針對雅思、托福、SAT、四六級等應試類英語進行培訓,也是廣西唯一一家能夠?qū)I(yè)培訓TOEIC托業(yè)考試的中心。課程設置體系配備了超過60%外教授課方式,大限度,短時間實現(xiàn)了學員高分高能的需求。 Easy Talk International English Training Centre Easy Talk International English Training Centreaims to provide the companies, enterprises, businessmen and teenagers with the high-quality education services.Easy Talk International English is the only authorized training centre to use the DynEd, the worldwide top multimedia language learning software.As the pioneer and leader of the multimedia language teaching, DynEd International, Inc. cooperates with Easy Talk international teaching and researching group for a long time and brings out the “Multi-dimensional LTP” learning system. This system can sufficiently guarantee the students to learn English fast and help them to obtain confidence.ET’s scientific language learning system can help students to communicate fluently with others and refresh their memories, making them to master the native English instead of mechanically reciting the materials in the book. Nowadays, the DynEd multimedia English learning course is widely used in more than 70 countries. 英拓課程介紹:日常口語 商務英語 旅游英語 出國英語 |
如需了解更多課程詳情,請撥打我們的免費咨詢電話:13647813730 陽老師
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學校介紹University Profile
南寧市青秀區(qū)英拓英語培訓學校是廣西區(qū)內(nèi)一所引進國際尖端多媒體語言學習軟件DynEd 的成人英語培訓中心。作為世界多媒體語言教學的先行者和領(lǐng)導者,美國戴耐德公司(DynEd International Inc.)與Easy Talk國際教研團隊通過長期的合作與實踐教研,總結(jié)推出“多維LTP”學習系統(tǒng),能充分保證學員快速實現(xiàn)英語學習目標,建立說英語的自信。
Easy Talk International English Training Centre
Easy Talk International English Training Centre aims to provide the companies, enterprises, businessmen and teenagers with the high-quality education services.Easy Talk International English is the only authorized training centre to use the DynEd, the worldwide top multimedia language learning software.As the pioneer and leader of the multimedia language teaching, DynEd International, Inc. cooperates with Easy Talk international teaching and researching group for a long time and brings out the “Multi-dimensional LTP” learning system. This system can sufficiently guarantee the students to learn English fast and help them to obtain confidence.ET’s scientific language learning system can help students to communicate fluently with others and refresh their memories, making them to master the native English instead of mechanically reciting the materials in the book. Nowadays, the DynEd multimedia English learning course is widely used in more than 70 countries.